

The president of Lebanon has had a really embarrassing thing happen to him as he took a tumble in front of other world leaders.
The president tripped and fell
The president of Lebanon, Michel Aoun, suffered an embarrassment after he tripped and fell face down onto the red carpet in front of fellow Arab leaders.

Michel Aoun tumbled forward at the start of a summit at the Dead Sea in Jordan.
TV footage shows the 82-year-old appear to trip on a low, red-carpeted podium where flags of Arab states had been arranged. 
Two men in suits rushed to help him to his feet as Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi stood nearby.
Aoun became head of state last year in a political deal that saw Saad al-Hariri appointed prime minister, ending a two-and-a-half year vacuum in the presidency.
The summit brings together 22 leaders from the Arab world. They will discuss the war in Syria, the threat of terrorism, and the release of former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak from prison.
Aoun was not seriously hurt in the fall, and later addressed the summit about Lebanon's security situation.
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