

A King Cobra in desperate need of a drink took a helping hand from kind-hearted villagers and drank from a bottle of water after it desperately searched for water at a drought in a south Indian village.
This deadly snake was so thirsty during a drought that it broke into an Indian village in a frantic search for water
A 12ft deadly King Cobra snake who was so thirsty during a drought, broke into an Indian village in a frantic search for water, as dramatic video footage shows the kind-hearted villagers looking after their local wildlife.
According to Dailymail, a man who knew that the situation could turn nasty at any second, was seen pouring a bottle of water over the snake's head as it greedily laps the liquid, and holds a snake catcher so he can grab the serpent in case things kicks off.

Wildlife officials had said that the 12ft cobra was rescued from a village in Kaiga township in Southern India which have been hit by drought, making water scarce, adding that when the team of rescue workers found the cobra, the first thing they did was to offer it water.
The thirsty cobra was seen gulping down water from the bottle. The brave rescuer also poured water over the snake's head in an attempt to cool it down. The snake was later taken to an animal care facility. 
Watch the video footage below;

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