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Medical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships At Newcastle University, UK
you want to add extra calcium to your composting, eggshells are the
perfect choice for you. They have the ability to decompose very quickly
due to their high surface area to volume ratio. There is no need to
sterilize or grind them up. Simply throw them on the pile or in the
compost bin.

Eggs belong to the group of most nutrition foods due to their rich
protein, vitamin and mineral content. Statistically, an average person
consumes about 150-300 eggs on annual level. Generally, people are not
familiar with all the benefits of eggshells, so they usually end up in
the garbage.
Medical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships At Newcastle University, UK
A chicken eggshell consists of about 96% calcium carbonate
protein-bounded crystals. So, before you decide to throw away the
eggshells in your trash, read the following beneficial uses of eggshells
that you didn`t know about.
Medical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships At Newcastle University, UK
1. Fertilizer:
Optionally, you can add your crushed eggshells directly in the bottom of the planting holes during spring.
In winter, you can spread around the eggshells over the land lot where
you will plant the following spring. When the ground is warmed up, you
can dig the shells in the soil. However, you can also clean and keep
them until the upcoming planting season.
Adding extra calcium is especially beneficial for tomatoes and peppers because they are prone to calcium- deficiency.
2. Pest-Deterrent: Crumble
the eggshells and sprinkle them around the plants in order to protect
them from slugs and snails. The shells have sharp edges which damage the
sensitive foot of the land mollusk, preventing them from crossing the
3. Seed-starter Pots: Due
to their quick decomposition ability, eggshells can serve as perfect
seed-starter pots. Do the following procedure: when you break the egg to
remove the content, make sure you make just a small hole at the
pointier end of the shell.
4. Feed the Birds: Generally,
mother birds need to be fed on extra calcium and eggshells are the
perfect natural source of this mineral. Bake them at 250°F / 120°C for
about ten minutes in order to sterilize them.
Stop baking when they are completely dry, but not brown on the inside.
Next, crumble the eggshells and put them in a feeder or on the ground
during spring or summer season. Alternately, mix your crumbled eggshells
with suet, mealworms and birdseed in already existing birdfeeder. This
is also a good way to prevent insect pests as well.
5. Repel Deer: If
you want to chase away deer, again eggshells are here to help you.
Simply sprinkle some eggshells around the plants they enjoy eating and
your problem is solved. Deer cannot stand the smell of albumin and run
away from any area that has raw egg smell. However, this method can
attract smaller vermin rodents which feed on eggs, so be careful.
6. Aesthetic Value: Ground
eggshells can also be used for aesthetic purposes as well. Namely, you
can sterilize your shells by boiling them, crumble and then place them
in a large glass jar. Finally, scatter them around your garden and
between your plants. By doing so, you will have beautifully-ornamented
garden, protected from pests and well-supplied with calcium.
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