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There are certain secrets that your bank teller will not tell you which you have to know. These are some of those secrets.
4. Call or visit in person to resolve a problem
Filling out online forms will usually get you the by-the-book reply, but a rep will often forgive a fee over the phone so we can all just get on with our lives.
5. We know you hate itemised penalties
A consumer’s brain registers an immediate “Ouch!” whenever he’s hit with an itemised penalty, such as a bouncedcheque fee, so most people keep a much higher balance in their current accounts than necessary, says personalfinance writer, Jason Zweig. “Banks make a tonne of money off this mental quirk since they would have to pay interest on the money if we left it in our savings accounts, where it belongs.”
6. A bank has the right to pay itself back
Any fees or overdraft loans that you owe can be deducted from your next deposit.
7. You probably don’t need to pay fees
You can get practically any fee waived if you ask, especially if you’re a long-time customer.
8. Keep receipts for every ATM transaction
And please don’t feed cash directly into the machine without first putting it into an envelope, unless you know you’re at one of the ATMs that accepts loose bills. (Yes, people actually do this.)
9. Banks don’t always promote their highest interest rate accounts
Why tell you about those when you’re already willing to sign up for an account that pays less?
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