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The victim, Glory who was attacked
A protracted disagreement between Anesthesia Onwunezi, a graduating student of Religion at the Imo State University (IMSU) in Owerri, and her roommate, Glory John, a 200-Level Education Guidance and Counselling student, turned bloody last Sunday, as Anesthesia was said to have stabbed Glory during an argument over her missing clothes. Ekene Ahaneku (600-Level Medicine and Surgery) reports.
What started as an argument between two students of the Imo State University (IMSU) in Owerri, last Sunday, ended in a bloody scuffle. A graduating student of Religion, Anesthesia Onwunezi (known as Stacy) allegedly stabbed her roommate, Glory Ezinne John, a 200-Level Education Guidance and Counselling student, with a pair of scissors during a disagreement over clothes.
It all happened at the Albert Akaegbulam Memorial Hostel, an off-campus Hall of Residence, at the school’s Back Gate.
During the melee, Stacy allegedly used the scissors to pierce Glory’s face and her hand.  Stacy subsequently went to report the matter at a police station in a bid to get Glory arrested.

According to a an exclusive report by CampusLife, the roommates had been living like cat and mouse since they were allotted the same room in the hostel. They usually engaged in exchange of hot words over missing clothes. Other occupants of the hostel, it was learnt, regularly intervened each time they had a disagreement.
The latest disagreement began when Glory found out that some of her clothes were missing. Suspecting that Stacy must have stolen the clothes, Glory picked Stacy’s clothes from her wardrobe and hid them.
Narrating how the fight started, Glory said: “I always noticed that my clothes in the room were getting missing. I noticed this a few weeks after I became Stacy’s roommate about 10 months ago. Whenever I asked her about the missing clothes, she would ignore my questions. When this did not stop, I reported to the hostel manager who did not respond. I kept having my clothes and other personal belongings missing until I decided to hide Stacy’s clothes.”
So when Stacy returned to the hostel, she noticed that some of her clothes were missing from where she kept them. When she enquired from Glory, the 200-Level Education Guidance and Counseling student owned up, saying  the clothes were in  her possession.
“I confronted her with evidence that she had been the one stealing my clothes. I told her if she didn’t release my clothes, I won’t bring out her own clothes too,” Glory said.
The argument continued till the evening and Stacy became impatient to retrieve her clothes from Glory. When Glory stepped towards the kitchen corner in their apartment, Stacy demanded the release of her clothes but Glory refused. Stacy swiftly picked the pair of scissors stabbed Glory in the face and cut her fingers.
“Stacy’s aim was to kill me. After she stabbed me and I was bleeding, I made an attempt to run outside but I discovered that she had locked the door. I struggled to open the door, while I was screaming for help. Other occupants rushed to the scene and forced the door to rescue me,” Glory explained.
It was gathered that Stacy turned down entreaties by neighbours, urging her to take Glory to the hospital for treatment after the bloody fracas. Instead, she went to report the incident at a police to get Glory arrested for theft. Stacy allegedly told the police that all the hostel occupants ganged up to harm her.
Stains of blood welcomed the policemen at the hostel. The hostel occupants led the police to the clinic where Glory was being treated. When the policemen found out the statement given them by Stacy ran contrary to what happened in hostel, they returned to their station without making any arrest. At this time, Stacy had allegedly fled station.
When he learnt about the incident, the hostel manager was said to have reported the matter at the Criminal Investigation Department of the police in Owerri.
There were efforts to get Stacy to comment, but she neither picked calls nor replied to text messages our correspondent sent to her mobile phone. A man identified as Stacy’s brother, on the telephone, said: “The matter has been resolved. I won’t give further comment on this.”
He terminated the call afterwards and switched off his phone.
Glory’s brother, Kingsley, denied the matter had been resolved. He threatened to take up the matter to ensure Stacy is punished for hurting his sister.
Also speaking, Kingsley said: “I still don’t know the reason the police have not arrested Stacy up till this moment. We can no longer tolerate this excuse from the police. A citizen’s life was threatened, yet the police expect we sweep the matter under the carpet. I will push on this fight to ensure my sister gets justice.”
When our correspondent visited Glory on Monday night, she confirmed Stacy’s parents and siblings visited her, pleading on her behalf.
Glory said: “Her parents were with me for hours, begging me not to allow the matter get out of hand. But, Stacy has remained unremorseful and has not called nor visited me since the incident took place.”
It was gathered that the landlord of the property had issued Stacy a quit notice. She was expected to pack her belongings out of the hostel last Tuesday.

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