Facebook user Ogechi Stella Njoku, has accused human rights activist, Emeka Ugwuonye, of releasing her HIV status online after they fell apart due to money palaver. Read what she wrote on her page below…
I owe this explanation to people who may fall prey to the antics of Emeka Ugwuonye of the Due Process Advocate, an online group run on Facebook platform.
Mr. Emeka Ugwuonye portrays himself as a voice to the voiceless, fighting for the susceptible, the browbeaten and also fighting against societal and human menace perpetrated in the land, these claims caught his followers including me. We did believe in him and his visions, little did we know that he was an imminent doom waiting to explode against anyone who dares to counter his modus of operandi when necessary and where needed. He traded like a demi –god and would go to any length to blackmail, smear, threaten and slut shame anyone who questions his activities or had a contra views to his activities, hence, i made bold to say that he is evil personified.

I got to know Emeka Ugwonye and his group the Due Process Advocates sometime last year, when the news of Mrs Chacha disappearance broke out. With keen interest i followed his series of update on Madam Chacha, on the claims that he was fighting to bring to justice whatever that had gone wrong, hence i decided to become his ardent follower and registered with his group.
Prior to becoming his group member, I had a boyfriend whom I failed to carried out an outstanding assiduousness on his personality, life style and status despite the fact that we both resides and work in Abuja. Our intimacy grew, and our relationship metamorphosed into deeper realm of affairs, it became pertinent to run some health test when i fell sick which series of lab test were carried out on me, including HIV test, and it was proven that i was positive. I handed over my lab result to my supposed boyfriend because i couldn’t hid the truth from him, he welcomed it with an open heart, then i forced him to go for test, which he refused initially, but after some series of persuasion from me, he yielded to go with me for a HIV test, yet after the test, he refused to show me his result, rather verbally told me that he was negative, yet to my bewilderment, he was taking my ARV with me. While all these were going on, i didn’t know and never knew that the man was married with kids and were also dating my best friend cum a sister, we were both too busy to have carried out a forensic audit on his person, we took everything he told us hook line and sinker without any iota of doubt.
Like the saying goes, nothing is hidden under the sun, things began to unfold, my best friend engaged me in a discussion and we were discussing on general life, when we both learnt that we were dating the same guy, so we decided to carry out more findings on him, that was when we realized that he was married with kids and that even the name he projected to me as the name of his sister and used the name to collect money from me was his wife who lives in Lagos while he was on posting to Abuja. We found out that where he claimed to be working was not where he works, everything he had projected to us were proven to be false, hence we both quit our relationship with him. So, i started demanding for my brand new HP laptop which i gave to him, because he did not want to return my laptop, he resorted to blackmail, he started blackmailing me with my HIV result and were making demands of money from me, when i couldn’t bear it again, i confided in Mr. Emeka Ugwuonye who claimed to be a lawyer fighting for injustice, he assured me that i would get justice, and as it is in his custom and tradition of DPA that whenever anyone approaches him with a story or problem, he would post it on the group page but will not disclose the identity of the person involved, so I obliged him, he took the case up and sought to publish it with an assurance that my identity would be hidden, which i gave my consent, and it was done so, and my laptop recovered from the man and further blackmailed were stopped.
Considering the effort and the role he played in my case, I became too committed with the activities of the group, supported the group both with cash and social responsibilities, till around February this year, when one of his group admin contacted me to join a facebook messenger called DPA powerhouse where critical decision on how to move forward the activities of DPA were discussed and solutions proffered, I did not hesitate to join because it is in favour of DPA and Emeka Ugwuonye was a member of that mini group.
Everything was moving on well and a deliberations on how to foster the visions of DPA were extensively discussed, it was unanimously agreed that we should carry out awareness campaign on Rape, Domestic Violence and other vices that have eaten up into the society, hence, fund was needed and we decided to make willingly donations to achieve these aims. We did raise the funds via individual contributions.
I strongly believe that Emeka Ugwuonye least or underestimated the amount we could contribute, therefore when he found out how much we had been able to raise, he became interested in the money undermining the purpose for which the money was contributed. He demanded that the money be paid into his personal account as the founder of the group, that the money was raised on behalf of his group, I objected his motions and were strongly supported by every member of the mini group, therefore things fell apart.
Furtherance to my objections to his motives, Mr. Ugwuonye declared every member of that mini group an anti-DPA, hence blocked us and peddled lies against us, again he took it extra far by publishing my health status which he had in confidence to the world via social media just to slut shame me. A man who claims to uphold justice became a breaker of justice, he became the devil. He breached professional ethics of confidentiality of client and inflicting pains which is capable of leading to suicide, Mr. Ugwuonye broke HIV anti-Disclosure law, He broke client confidentiality and he broke ethics of profession.
It might interest the general public to note that Mr. Emeka Ugwuonye have been collecting a registration fees of N6,000 from over 250,000 members of his group claiming that he runs the group as an NGO, yet for over four years of existence, he had failed to register the DPA as an entity under the Company’s law (CAMA). He has refused to be accountable for donations made to his personal accounts which i also did, he fails to represents those who he sworn to protect rather he hurts them and slut shame them. Emeka is not whom he projects himself to be, whosoever that keep on trusting him after reading my ordeals with him and also other victims ordeals does that at their own peril.
I beseech the general public to hold Emeka accountable for his evil deeds; Emeka has done more harm than good.
God bless every woman who stood by me, God bless every man who stood by me, God bless my real friends who never let me down, and they took the bullet shot by Emeka on my behalf.
I appreciate you all.