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He confirmed the officer’s submissions saying he needed medical attention following the disappearance of his manh00d.
“I want to seek help because government doctors at the prison said they cannot attend to my problem which requires traditional doctors,” Chaitezvi said.
The magistrate asked him to explain what happened and he said:
“I had s*xual intercourse with a married woman whom I suspect bewitched me because after the act my manh00d simply vanished. When I asked her, she said I should approach her husband.”
The magistrate also requested the prison officials to escort him to verify if what he was saying was true and after some minutes a prison officer came back and confirmed that Chaitezvi had no manh00d.
Allegations against Chaitezvi are that on September 9 this year, while at the carnival festivities, he allegedly stole Lynn Dengu’s Samsung cellphone valued at $250 which he disposed, but was later apprehended.
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