

A Nollywood actress has spoken out about why being a babymama is better than being a wife and why she does not wear bras.
Feyisara Hassan
Beautiful and petite Yoruba actress, Feyisara Hassan only just turned 24 on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 and already has produced five films of her own while featuring in so many more. In this interview as our star of the week, Feyisara talks about her journey as a teenage movie producer, and makes her view known on why many Yoruba actress (women in general) are becoming babymamas: Enjoy.
What was your encounter with acting like?
It all started back in my secondary school days, at Victory Progressive College where I always participated in the Cultural and Dramatic Society activities. It was there I discover there’s something in me that loves acting. Even my Yoruba teacher noticed the talent and she advised me to go into acting full time. But I didn’t know how or anybody that could connect me with anyone in Nollywood. The break came when I saw Damola Olatunji advertising an acting academy in a movie. It was Demolat School of Performing Arts. All I did was call the number on the screen and my acting journey began. With hardwork and dedication I graduated as one of the best students of my set. Please note that the school is not owned by Damola Olatunji, he only did the advertisement but he was one of the people that trained me. Since then, Damola Olatunji has been my mentor and he has directed all the movies I produced. He is a fantastic man.
How do you remember your very first time in front of the cameras?
Being the first time it was kind of challenging and a bit difficult but I guess the talent in me weathered it all. In fact, at the end of the day everyone was happy with my performance. It was a small role where I played the part of a very prayerful church girl. The title of the movie is Orisa Bi Iya Osi and when it was released into the market I was very proud of myself. Even my parents who had misgivings about my taking up acting as a career were impressed and encouraged me to go on and do better.
When did you produce your own first film and how many have you produced till date?
I produced my first movie in 2011. It was even my boss that encouraged me, saying I should put myself to the test and see how perfect my acting was. The film was ‘Rokun Rosa’ and it was directed by Afeez Owo. I was only 18 then and my mum gave me the money to produce it. Unfortunately, I did not make money from it. In fact the marketer is still owing me till today. But that has not detered me from forging ahead to be an accomplished actress and a producer as I have produced 4 more movies after that. They are Fikayomi, Ipinle Ese, Aye Asan, Aisan and Aisan Ife (part two of Aisan).

Is it true that Yoruba actors and actresses date one another a lot?
Well, I can’t confirm that. Anybody can find love anywhere. It’s a free world, an actress can date an actor but for me, I can’t marry an actor. Please, don’t misunderstand me, it is not that I find anything distasteful in them but I just don’t feel comfortable marrying anyone in the same business with me.
What kind of men do you like?
I love dark, tall and handsome men. I don’t like skinny guys. I love my guys to be medium in built. I hate liars,drunkards, lazy men and ones that are not supportive
Why do you think every actor or actress wants to be a producer?
First, I don’t believe every actor wants to be a producer. No doubts, almost everyone of them are producing their own films these days. And it’s getting funny that some produce up to 20 movies per year. I think this crop of producers are just simply greedy and don’t know what they want. If you ask me, I believe for the men is all about money and identity while the women go for it to promote themselves.
Many Yoruba actresses are babymamas; what can make you become a babymama?
What most people don’t know is that being a babymama is even better than being a wife. Frankly, I am not against any woman opting to be a babymama, in fact I believe it is good and more peaceful. Being a babymama you enjoy the father of your baby more than if he were your husband. You can have access to him whenever and wherever you want without any family pressures or restrictions. When you are a wife, there are limitations and restrictions and there’s little room for heartaches. More women are opting to be babymamas because their lives are more peaceful and enjoyable.
You once said you don’t wear bra, can you explain why?
Yes, I don’t wear bras because I don’t feel comfortable with it but I do wear it now because my man is not comfortable with my not wearing it. I guess it is because of my s*xy boobs.
But they are not big?
They may not be big but they are very special. They are one of the most beautiful parts I love in my body. Medium boobs are sexy and more attractive than the big ones. All kinds of boobs are good though but mine are more attractive and s*xy.
What’s your take on s*x generally?
In my opinion and experience, s*x is best experienced within a committed relationship where two people have agreed to be exclusive with each other and to explore their sexualities together. This doesn’t have to be within marriage. However, in my opinion, relationships should not exist solely to provide a means for s*x. Relationships should be a beautiful tapestry, of which s*x is one piece. And within that relationship, sex should only exist with an incredible amount of communication. The communication should be about when people are ready for different stages of sex, what people like and dislike in s*x, and at the core of all this communication should be consent. Our society talks about and does consent very poorly (which is why we have such a high rate of s*xual violence).
Why are Yoruba films so poorly subtitled?
It depends on the editors; we have good and bad ones. Another reason is that some bad producers find it difficult to pay editors good money. So, what they got is what they paid for.
Finally, what are your biggest dreams as an actress?
One of my biggest dreams is to become a musician. But all in all my biggest dream is to do what nobody has done in the industry.

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