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This is why we should never look down on people because no one knows tomorrow. A social entrepreneur and activist, Esther Ijewere-Kalejaiye, has narrated what transpired between her and another woman who looked down on her 6 years ago when she asked for her number.... Now the table has turned dramatically. Read below 

6 years ago I chased her from the event hall to her car just to get her number, she declined and said her number was only meant for very important people . I left feeling dejected .

Fast forward to few days ago, I saw her at an event , I was talking to an "Important Person" she so badly wanted to have an audience with , she moved close to us and asked for the lady's number, the lady turned to me and said "Esther please give her our office line , I'm in a haste. The "Important Person" left . Shame no gree madam six years ago ask me for number , but life isn't hard you know . I reached for my pen and wrote the number on a paper and squeezed it into her hands. I gave her the direct line not because she deserves it but for the sake of God. I saw the look on her face as I walked away, she was shocked! 

I pray she finds favour in the sight of the "Important Person" because she obviously came for the event just to meet her. I saw thesame look I had that year when I asked for her number.

Never pay evil with evil and don't look down on anyone. The person she rejected six years ago was her lifeline few days ago.

I saw the hand of God in that situation, it wasn't sheer coincidence that we were both at same place , same time. Perhaps God wanted to test my forgiving spirit, I'm also seeking his face for several things and won't let anyone or anything block my blessings. nawa

The people who didn't believe in you will soon tell the world how they met you.

We are nothing but pencil in the eyes of our maker.....Do good always.

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