Media personality and leader of the Free The Sheeple movement, Daddy Freeze, has taken to his social media page to out a pastor who according to him, he worshiped with for more than eleven years.
Freeze says the said pastor cursed him all because he questioned him about tithes – according to Freeze, he asked the pastor to show him in the Bible where it states that the first disciples collected tithes.
This, Daddy Freeze says caused the pastor to place a curse on him, saying he gives him 24 months to live – Freeze then took to his IG page to renounce the curse and even forgave the said pastor.

In a video he shared, he said:
Hi guys, I’m Daddy Freeze, convener of the Free The Sheeple movement and leader of the free nation in Christ. I greet you and I bring glad tidings.
It was brought to my attention today, that a pastor, whose church I attended for more than eleven years, a man who was entrusted with teaching me the word… cursed me.
He said he gives me 24 months to see my end, I reject it! Why? Because I dared ask him to show us where in the Bible the disciples, who are our first pastors and Daddy G.Os, collected tithes.
This was a man unto whom I entrusted my tithes for eleven years, my offerings, I contributed to the builing of his current temple and then he curses me, I reject it!… and I forgive him… and I hand him over to my God who sent me on this mission, God bless you.
He captioned the video:
Its heartbreaking to see that the very people entrusted with our salvation, curse us with damnation!

It clearly shows us that the Christianity he teaches is rooted firmly in his monetary gain.

I hereby REJECT any curse put upon me by this man! That curse will not come upon my children or anyone who is dear to me neither will it be the portion of any of the members of the #FreeTheSheeple movement or their loved ones.

I hand him over to the almighty God, creator of heaven and earth!~FRZ –