A woman has undergone an incredible transformation becoming a body builder after shedding half her weight- in her lunch hour. Taryn Young used to eat whole boxes of cookies and armfuls of chocolate bars, but when she had her daughter she knew something had to change.
She ditched the junk food for healthy nutritious meals and began hitting the office gym in her lunch hour.
Now the 33-year-old oil company administrator from Aberdeenshire has managed to half her body weight to a size 12 and a lean 9st 3lbs, and has competed in two body building competitions.
Taryn had doubled her body weight after moving from South Africa to Aberdeen in 2003, with a love of Scottish food causing her body to balloon to 18 stone and a sluggish size 22.
Her love for snacking would make her feel guilty and she’d embark on a crash diet only to repeat the pattern again and again.
It was only after having her daughter in 2012 that Taryn realised something needed to change.
She started using her office’s gym during her lunch breaks and swapped her sugar-filled diet for three good meals a day.
After three years of slowly improving her diet and exercise she then felt she needed something to work towards, so began body building training in 2015, taking part in her second contest held in July this year.
She eats a nutritious diet filled with foods and plenty of fruit and vegetables.
She now eats three hearty meals a day and three planned snacks, which gives her the necessary energy to be able to train five times a week.